We offer two different solutions to document the fair market value of a business or asset:
Simplified valuation analysis
This solution provides a high-level description of the main factors used for determining and performing the fair market value analysis based on the valuation rules applicable in the specific jurisdiction and International Valuation Standards.
- To comply with the tax authorities’ requirements in connection with valuation documentation and exit taxation rules.
- To demonstrate the application of the fair market value in the: financial accounts, tax declaration, legal agreements and board minutes.
Power point document converted into a pdf file (analysis + appendices)
Integral valuation analysis:
This solution provides a detailed understanding of the factors used for determining and performing the fair market value analysis based on the valuation rules applicable in the specific jurisdiction and International Valuation Standards.
- To comply with the tax authorities’ requirements in connection with valuation documentation and exit taxation rules.
- To demonstrate the application of the fair market value in the: financial accounts, tax declaration, legal agreements and board minutes.
Word document converted into a pdf file (analysis + appendices)
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